Saturday, March 19, 2005


Encrypt and backup your Opera files using WinRAR

First create a shortcut in desktop with "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" a -hppassword -m5 -r -agYYMMDD-HHMMSS D:\BackUp\Opera- @Opera-BackUp.txt and name it. Now right click and choose properties, delete the content (usually "C:\Program Files\WinRAR") in Start in box and create Shortcut key (example CTRL+ALT+O).

C:\Program Files\WinRAR\ - Change this path if your WinRAR directory is different.

a - Add files to archive.

-hppassword - If you want to password protect your backup keep it and change password to your password else remove -hppassword. If you remove password only WinRAR will ask password during backup. Without a password it is impossible to view even the list of files in archive encrypted with -hp switch.

-m5 - Compression method.

-m0 do not compress file when adding to archive
-m1 use fastest method (less compressive)
-m2 use fast compression method
-m3 use normal (default) compression method
-m4 use good compression method (more compressive, but slower)
-m5 use best compression method (slightly more compressive, but slowest)

-r - Recurse subdirectories.

-agYYMMDD-HHMMSS - Generates archive name using the current date and time.

Y - year
M - month
MMM - month name as text string (Jan, Feb, etc.)
W - a week number (a week starts with Monday)
A - day of week number (Monday is 1, Sunday - 7)
D - day of month
E - day of year
H - hours
M - minutes (treated as minutes if encountered after hours)
S - seconds
N - archive number. RAR searches for already existing archive with generated name and if found, increments the archive number until generating a unique name.

D:\Backup\ - Change this to path of your backup directory. This directory must exist.

Opera-BackUp.txt - Create a file with this name and add the lines shown below and make sure the paths are correct. If you don't want to backup a particular directory or file, add // before that line. Skin directory and files (global.dat, vlink4.dat and download.dat) are disabled by default This file should be in same place where you placed shortcut (in our case desktop).

// Directories to back up
C:\Program Files\Opera\Mail\ // Mail
C:\Program Files\Opera\program\plug-ins\ // Plug-ins
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\images\ // Favicons
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\keyboard\ // Keyboard configuration
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\menu\ // Menu configuration
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\mouse\ // Mouse configuration
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\sessions\ // Sessions - saved windows
//C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\Skin\ // Skin
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\toolbar\ // Toolbar configuration
// Files to back up
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\Contacts.adr // Contacts for e-mail & instant messaging
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\notes.adr // Notes
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\opcacrt6.dat // Certificate authorities
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\opcert6.dat // Personal certificates
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\opera6.adr // Bookmarks
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\opera6.ini // Opera settings
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\opssl6.dat // SSL preferences
C:\Program Files\Opera\Ousr600.dat // Registration information
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\search.ini // Search engines
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\wand.dat // Wand data
C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\cookies4.dat // Cookies
//C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\global.dat // Global history
//C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\vlink4.dat // Visited links
//C:\Program Files\Opera\profile\download.dat // Download history

Whenever you want to backup hit shortcut key CTRL+ALT+O and it will create a file (example Opera-050319-153045.rar) in D:\BackUp\ directory.

Please see User's Manual - Rar.txt in WinRAR directory to learn more about Console RAR.

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